Using the Search Feature to Edit or View a Warranty (Search/Edit)

You can search for a warranty using the Search/Edit feature. This menu item is available to Customer and Admin users. Customers will have access to warranties created by users assigned to their company. Only records in an Open status can be modified. After a record has been submitted for processing, it can no longer be edited. The customer will need to contact the Warranty Admin.

  1. Click on the Search / Edit feature in the Warranty section of the Navigation Frame.
  2. A Warranty Search Selections form is displayed in the Main Frame. Enter your search criteria in the fields provided. Except for State, Type and Status, you may enter partial entries. For example, for the warranty number you might enter '98137'. At the same time, you could enter the last name of the Owner. The more information you can supply, the narrower the search will be and therefore the faster the response time.
  3. Select the Sort by option to order the search results.
  4. Click on the Search button to process the search or click on Reset to clear the fields.
  5. The Search will open two more tabs:
    Warranty List tab
    Warranty Details tab
  6. Click on the envelope icon next to the warranty you want to view/edit.  The warranty will be displayed in the Warranty Details tab.
  7. If the warranty is in Open status it will open in edit mode, any other status will open in a view only mode. From edit mode, click on Update to save your changes or Close to cancel your actions and return to the SWISE Home page.
  8. Click on the Search / Edit feature in the Warranty section of the Navigation Frame to create a new search.

Unsure what to type into a keyword search boxes?

You can use an asterisk (*) to perform what is called "wild card" searches. Situations where this might be used are if you are uncertain as to spelling of a word or if you want to expand the results that will be returned to you. The wild-card character * (asterisk) may be used to substitute for the beginning of a keyword, middle or the end of the keyword. For example: Bob* will return any words that start with these letters, such as Bob Brown, Bob Jones, Bob Smith etc. *Brown will return any words that end with these letters, such as Ann Brown, Bob Brown, Mike Brown, etc.