Warranty Summary Reports

Admin, Customer, and Sales Rep Users have access to Warranty Summary reports. This feature is used to search for warranty information.
  1. From the Reports section of the Navigation Frame, select Warranty Summary.
  2. Use the form on the Main Frame window to add filter criteria. Leaving all the fields blank on the form will return all warranties.
  3. Click on the Search button. A list of warranties will be displayed in a grid in the Main Frame window.
  4. Click on the Printer Friendly Excel icon at the bottom of the window to generate a report.
  5. Open a particular warranty by clicking on the envelope icon located at the left of the description.
  6. Warranty Details will be displayed in the Main Frame window.
  7. Click on the Close to return to the Home page. Click on Warranty List tab to return the the list grid. Click on the Search tab to return to the Search selection form.